You simply just need to select the product which you want to purchase and send its information to for a quotation. You may like to use below format: Order form
Mailing Address:
Product number:
Postage (Normal/Reg/Self-collection):
We will send back to you the quotation based on your purchase. Once you confirm your order, please make payment in 2 days. You will need to notify us your payment information via email above-mentioned. Information should include of
User information:
Order ID (it could be found in quotation):
Payment information:
Internet Transfer or ATM:
Date of Transfer:
Bank Transaction Ref No.:
We will process your order once we have received your payment and you should receive and order processed email from us.
Payment Modes
>> Internet Banking or ATM Transfer
DBS Saving Plus 054-0-031509 (for local payment only)
>> PayPal to (for oversea only)